Patricia has worked in a variety of mediums in the Arts most of her adult life. Studied with a host of well known artists, Mario Polidori at the Dundas Valley School of Art. Private studies with Dennis Lucas, Canadian water-colourist Kenneth Gent, Augustine Corvino and most recently with Silversmith Judith Hirczy.
Working primarily in Silver and Gold, she has become a seasoned West Coast Silversmith who continues to create fine art objects to wear. Her unique hand crafted designs employ both traditional and abstract motifs, where the use of semi-precious stones satisfies her passion for colour.
In collaboration with her gifted teacher, Judith Hirczy, Patricia has been studying, working and exhibiting from her Victoria studio and at markets and festivals throughout the year around Vancouver Island.
The joy comes when you see someone’s face light up when they adorn themselves with a piece of work that you have created, the romance, it's all about the romance.